Cosmetic Medicine

Cosmetic Medicine
What is Anti Wrinkle Injection?
It is a drug safely derived from a tiny amount of purified natural toxin from a bacterium. It temporarily but effectively treats wrinkles like frown lines and crow’s feet, as well as excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).Dr Gadiyar has the training and experience to safely inject anti wrinkle injection, giving you a more youthful look while preserving your natural appearance and facial expressions. For excessive sweating, our patients have had amazing results giving them more confidence to face the world.Call 3269 1131 and book an appointment today.
What to expect from Anti wrinkle injections
- Quick (15 -30 minutes for wrinkles, excessive sweating)
- Safe
- Long-lasting (4 to 6 months for wrinkles, 4 to 12 months for sweating)
- Relatively painless
- No downtime, and no risk of scarring
Anti wrinkle Injectable works by relaxing targeted muscles, like those that cause your skin to furrow and fold when you frown, concentrate or squint. The corresponding wrinkles then become less apparent and often disappear, starting as soon as 24 to 48 hours.
For excessive sweating, It temporarily blocks a chemical that stimulates the sweat glands. Patients usually see dramatic results in 2 to 3 days — a vast improvement over conventional topical or surgical approaches.
- Facial expression lines, like the frown lines between the eyebrows
- Horizontal forehead creases
- Crow’s feet around the eyes
- Lines on the upper lip
- Down-turned corners of the mouth
- Neck wrinkles and muscles (sometimes avoiding the surgeries of the past)
Side effects
Anti wrinkle Injection is a safe and proven treatment. While side effects are uncommon, some patients do experience minor complications. These include:
- Pain, swelling or bruising at the injection site
- Flu-like symptoms, headache and upset stomach
- Temporary eyelid droop (after facial wrinkle treatment)
- Very mild hand weakness that goes away within 2 to 4 weeks (after hand sweating treatment)
What is Dermal Filler?
Dermal Filler is used as an effective treatment for deep lines and wrinkles. They can help reduce deep lines and wrinkles, fill hollows and smooth the contours of your face. Anti-ageing facial fillers are the non-surgical way to achieve younger looking skin and provide volume for tired lines and wrinkles.
As your skin ages, it loses the collagen that helps shape and support it. Natural lines and wrinkles deepen. Sun exposure, smoking, air pollution and even stress can all age your appearance. The face can also begin to lose volume giving sunken cheeks and a ‘dragged down’ appearance.
How is after care for Dermal Filler?
What do I need to do to prepare for Dermal Filler?
What are the risks involved with Dermal Filler?
Immediate Results
- Restore Cheek Volume
- Plump and Rejuventate the lips
- Soften marionette lines and mouth corners-reduce lines and wrinkles
- Augment the chin
- Smooth smoker’s lines
- Soften acne scars
- Correct under eye hollowness
- Hand Rejuvenation

MDerma™ is the safest, most advanced, regenerative micro-needling treatment for your skin.
MDerma™ 3 Phase Rejuvenation
WHY MDerma
The MDerma™ uses sterile, sealed individual and disposable needle cartridges to ensure patient safety. Every cartridge has multiple needles, with proprietary technology, penetrating vertically generating small micro skin channels, while stimulating the natural production of collagen. These channels carry up to 80% more topical nutrients, allowing penetration deep to the skin fibroblasts, feeding the cells found in the dermis and the basal layer. This increases the absorption of active ingredients into the skin, stimulating the repair at a cellular level and accelerating the regeneration of the skin’s epidermal cells.
The treatment is similar to laser treatments, but without the severe side effects or the long recovery time. There are some studies that show it is more effective than traditional microdermabrasion and chemical peels. The disposable needles remove the risk of cross-contamination and the adjustable depth allows treatment that is adaptable to individual needs.
MDerma™ is so advanced, it is appropriate and safe to use in sensitive and previously inaccessible areas such as the upper and lower eyes, lips and nose.
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Stretch marks
- Acne Scars
- Enlarged pores
- Scars from surgery
- Skin sags
- Hair loss
- Burn Scars
- Pigmentation marks from sun damage or acne
- Improve skin tone
- Stimulate the production of collagen and elastin
- Want to have plumper skin
Safe for all skin types.
1.How many treatments are recommended for rejuvenation?
Acne scars – minimum 6 treatments.
Stretch marks – 4 to 8 treatments.
2.How soon will I see results?
3.Is the treatment painful?
4.How long is the recovery process?
What Are Spider Veins?
Spider veins are a group of dilated veins that appear close to the surface of the skin and look like spider webs or tree branches. They are usually red or blue. Although they can develop anywhere, they are most common on the legs and face. Spider veins are smaller than varicose veins, but they are sometimes located together. Varicose veins are swollen veins that have filled with pooled blood.
Spider veins and varicose veins are very common, especially in people over the age of 50. Often, these abnormal veins cause no symptoms, but they can sometimes trigger swelling, throbbing, and restless legs. In some cases, they may become painful or cause skin sores or blood clots. Treatments for spider veins are generally safe and effective.
Symptoms of Spider Veins
- an uncomfortable feeling in the legs
- swelling
- rash
- throbbing, cramping, or aching
- restless legs
- itching around the veins
- skin ulcers
See your doctor if:
- your veins are warm to the touch and very tender
- your veins cause pain
- you are developing sores, rashes, or ulcers on your skin
- skin on your ankle or calf is changing color and thickening
- your spider or varicose veins bleed
Causes of Spider Veins
Spider and varicose veins are the result of weak or damaged valves in the veins. When the valves do not open to allow blood to leave the veins, blood backs up and the veins swell. A number of factors increase your risk of developing this condition, including:
- aging
- heredity (family history of the condition)
- a history of blood clots
- taking oral birth control pills
- hormonal changes during puberty or menopause, or hormone replacement therapy
- pregnancy
- standing or sitting for long periods of time
- wearing a girdle or clothing that is too tight
- obesity
- constipation
- sun exposure (in light-skinned people)
Spider Veins Treatments
- Support stockings: Compression stockings put pressure on your veins and relieve discomfort. These can be purchased at Sandgate doctors.
- Microsclerotherapy: This common treatment is used for spider veins and varicose veins. In this procedure, a doctor injects a chemical into your veins, causing them to seal shut. With blood flow stopped, the vein becomes scar tissue and eventually fades. This treatment must be repeated every four to six weeks.
- Laser treatments: This procedure uses a laser to send bursts of light through your skin and into your vein, making the vein fade.
- Surgery: Various surgical techniques are generally reserved for the largest and most unsightly veins.
Preventing Spider Veins
- wearing compression support stockings
- elevating your legs for 30 minutes several times a day
Other things you can do to prevent spider and varicose veins:
- Don’t cross your legs when you’re sitting down.
- Try not to sit or stand in one position for a long time.
- Get regular exercise.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Avoid wearing high heels.
Hair Loss Treatment
PRP With Microneedling for Hair Loss
PRP Hair Restoration is suitable for both men and women. It is a state of the art, non surgical, totally natural, alternative medical procedure used for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient’s own blood.
Our blood plasma (PRP) contains active growth factors which can promote hair growth. Helping to restore one’s confidence, the end result is a fuller, healthier looking head of hair.
Dr Gadiyar takes a little blood which is then treated in a centrifuge so that only the enriched cells or platelets (PRP) remain.
The PRP or highly concentrated PRP, including essential growth proteins, is injected into the scalp or areas to be treated using a special micro needle.
It is possible to use PRP Hair Loss Therapy alone to promote hair growth or it can also be used in combination with Mderma micro needling.
We apply numbing cream to the scalp. Then, using the PRP, we perform multiple injections, each about a centimeter apart, into the area affected by hair loss.
In addition to the PRP treatment, we micro-needle the target area using the MDerma pen to create microscopic channels throughout the affected area. The controlled impressions to the scalp allow fresh blood supply and a deep penetration of the PRP, encouraging regrowth of dormant hair follicles. The scalp responds to these controlled injuries by producing its own collagen and elastin, both natural healing agents. Micro-needling prompts hair regeneration in both men and women.
Topical PRP makes hair follicles act younger than they are, producing stronger, healthier new hair.
Post treatment advise
We ask patients to avoid washing away the PRP from their scalp till the following morning. The scalp might be red and irritated for a few days.
You might need another treatment 3 months later and a reassessment to see the growth of hair follicle.
PRP treatments have high patient satisfaction rates. This treatment works well with women, younger men, and those looking for an affordable hair restoration option.
We offer PRP treatments as an independent procedure, as well as in conjunction with micro-needling.
PRP for Sports Injury
- Tennis elbow
- Golfer’s elbow
- Knee tendinosis (also sometimes called tendonitis)
- Rotator cuff tears
- Achilles tendinosis (also sometimes called tendonitis)
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Osteoarthritis
- And more…
An initial evaluation by Dr Gadiyar will determine if PRP is right for you.
Before the procedure
First Dr Gadiyar may perform a musculoskeletal ultrasound prior to the injection to ensure a proper diagnosis and to rule out any condition best treated surgically.
What to expect during the PRP procedure
Blood is collected from you in 1-2 specially designed tubes which are then centrifuged for 5-10 minutes. During centrifugation, a patented gel within the tubes isolates PRP from other unrequired cells within the blood.
How does a PRP procedure work?
Using the patient’s own blood, specially prepared platelets are taken and then re-injected into the affected area. These platelets release substances known as “growth factors” that lead to tissue healing. By concentrating the platelets we increase the release of growth factors which promote the healing of tendons and cartilage.
What are the benefits of PRP treatment?
How soon can I go back to regular physical activity after PRP treatment?
How do I care for the injection site after PRP treatment?
PRP for facial rejuvenation + fine ageing lines
Is PRP right for me?
PRP treatment is suitable for:
- Tired and dry skin, laxity of skin, uneven pigmentation
- Signs of skin ageing
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Overall texture and tone improvement
- Certain types of alopecia or general hair thinning
- People who may experience risk of allergic reactions from other treatments
- People looking for a natural treatment using the body’s own healing process
Results of PRP treatment
- Improved skin colour, elasticity, tone and thickness.
- Remodelling of the collagen fibres for improved tone.
- Long-term smoothing of skin tissue and texture.
- Faster healing following aesthetic treatments e.g. laser skin treatment and dermal needling.
Is it safe?
Is it right for me? Can anyone have this treatment?
How many treatments do I need?
What can I expect following my PRP treatment?
- Injections can cause minor bruising and swelling
- Some patients may want to touch up the treated area with make-up before resuming their day
- Some patients report a tingling sensation after injection